Baby Bunny by Daniel Watson
Tips for baby bunny care
Rabbits often reach their maturity around the age of four months old and are considered adults at this age. It’s often recommended people wait to adopt a pet rabbit into their family until this age. In the case you adopt a baby bunny, here are three things you should know about baby bunny care.
They are active and destructive.
Baby bunnies are full of energy and spunk! They like to be active and run around, which makes them difficult to hold. In fact, they may not like being held at their younger age. Don’t be offended by their skittishness and be cautious of their delicate size when handling them.
In addition to being active, baby bunnies may also be more destructive around the house. With all of that energy bottled up inside, they will try directing it towards your furniture and home. It’s important to have your house rabbit-proofed before bringing the rabbit home, both for their health and the care of your house. Be sure to place houseplants out of reach, cover up your baseboards, and proof your wires.
Wait to potty train.
You might be inclined to potty train your bunny as soon as you bring it home, however, it’s best to wait. Rabbits that young have difficulty with training and it’s common for training to revert to being spayed or neutered, which won’t take place till the rabbit has reached sexual maturity around the age of four months. So, until your pet bunny has reached this point, it is best to wait. Until then, keep an eye out for your pet and clean up after him/her as needed.
Their diet is different from that of an adult.
Baby bunnies have a diet different than adults. Hay should always be the primary source of food for rabbits, but the kind of hay will differ according to age. For baby bunnies, it’s best to feed them alfalfa. You can also regularly feed them vegetables (find a list here) and occasionally fruits (find a list here). You may also incorporate pallets into their diet and always make fresh water available. Don’t just use a water bottle but also keep a fresh bowl of water within your reach and change it daily.
Don’t spay or neuter yet.
Baby bunnies should not be spayed or neutered. It can be very difficult to determine a bunny’s sex at a young age. Male baby bunnies can be neutered around 4 months old but it’s still advisable to wait till at least 6 months old. Female baby bunnies should wait till they are at least 6 months old before being spayed. If you have two baby bunnies of different sexes together watch them carefully as you may end up with a litter of 1-14 baby rabbits! Always consult with your veterinarian.
Baby bunny care isn’t for everyone but if you follow these three tips, you’ll be on the right track for taking care of your new pet!
Need help figuring out which hutch is best for your rabbit? Check out our list of The Best Rabbit Hutches
I have always loved rabbits. A rabbit was my very first pet. Since owning my first rabbit I have gone on to own many more. I look forward to being able to get my kids their very own pet rabbits.
Thank you for explaining how younger rabbits may prefer not to be held depending on how old they are. My wife and I recently adopted a rabbit last month and have been trying to find a way to clean the dirt off of his fur, but he tends to make loud noises whenever we try picking him up. We’ll find a grooming service that will know how to handle our pet.